Here at North Goodland we want you and your children to feel safe but also to expect a fun and exciting experience!
Click the arrow for your child’s age group to discover which specific ministry we have for that age group.
Kingdom Tot’s Nursery
Kingdom Tot’s Junior Church
This ministry is for children between 4 and 5 years old and meets every Sunday morning at 10:30 am. The kids meet right in class at the north end of the building (just past the nursery).
The kids engage in fun and interactive Bible lessons, songs, games and so much more! Our goal is to provide a fun and safe enviroment for your children to grow!
If you have anyquestions, please contact the church office.

Kingdom builders meets every Sunday at 10:30 at the south end of the building and is for children 1st through 6th grades!
Come on out this Sunday and meet our Kingdom builders team who would love to get to know you and your child/children better!
If you have any questions please contact the church office.
Our Wednesday night ministries meet every week at 6:45 pm. (Nursery is available for newborn through 3 yrs. old)
We have two kids clubs that meet each week:
Our Gopher Buddies group is for kids age 4 through kindergarden. We have lessons right at their level as well as interactive games, snacks and music.
The olympians group is for kids in 1st-6th grades. They have a great time learning fun and engaging Bible stories, playing exciting games and enjoy great snacks!
Also children in both groups are encouraged to memorize scripture, bring friends as well as doing Christian services (activities to serve their community, church and family). Our desire is to partner with you as their parent and invest positively into their future.
If you have any questions please contact the church office or call 810-724-0676.